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Breathwork and Meditation

Saturday, 15th June 10am to 12.30pm Learn to harness your breath, and use it as an anchor

  • 28 British pounds
  • Olney

What to expect

Breathwork is one of these new words that is banded about, but what does it mean? Breathing is something we do automatically of course, but for many of us, we have learnt how to breathe in a way that increases our stress levels and can leave us feeling anxious and short of breath. When moving about in our daily lives, our breathing responds to the demands on our body. So, when under emotional stress we 'hold the breath' without realising, and when we feel that things are safe for us, we sigh in relief. We use our breath for everything we do - in short Breath is life - so doesn't it make sense to learn to harness our breath, to notice its patterns and learn how to breathe in different ways that support us, particularly when we need it. This morning session will help us to tune in to our breath, to how we are feeling and to learn new ways to breathe that will make us feel peaceful and ways that will tell our nervous system that we are safe and can relax. We can choose not to live in a survival state of fight or flight, but only if we know that this is what we are doing! Using our breath skillfully can improve our overall sense of wellbeing, can release physical and mental tension and helps us to appreciate this "precious one life" (quote by Mary Oliver). Did you know it also improves our sleep and our health! Meditation is the state of being fully present with how you feel, consciously choosing to be in this state of being. Through breathwork we can reach this state more easily, and Helen's workshop will leave you with a host of new ways of breathing for relaxation, and will start, or continue, your journey into mindful meditation.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or book on to a future course instead, we would ask for 48hrs notice to ensure we have time to rebook your place. This is because spaces are limited.

Contact Details

  • 15-17 Osborn's Court, Olney, UK

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